IABS Conference Proceedings

Presenters are eligible to publish conference papers or summaries in the IABS Proceedings. If you will be convening a symposium or workshop, you are also entitled to publish summaries of your session.

Authors of papers and discussion topics presented at the annual conference of the International Association for Business and Society (IABS) are eligible to publish papers in the Proceedings, and conveners of symposia and workshops are eligible to publish summaries of their sessions. The Proceedings is published in electronic format and listed on electronic databases.

Although the IABS Proceedings is not considered a journal, submissions are expected to be of professional quality. As a result, the Proceedings is an excellent place to publish a shorter version of what could become a longer, more detailed or even differently conceived article in a peer-reviewed journal. Since IABS has a blind-review process for conference submissions, you can identify the work as a “publication in a refereed conference Proceedings.” Authors retain the copyright and full rights to publish a modified version of the work in a refereed journal or elsewhere. And if publishing in outlets that have an ISBN is important to you, you’ll be glad to know that IABS obtains ISBNs for all Proceedings.

Publications must be no more than 12 U.S. -letter-size pages, including all figures, tables, and references. The deadline for all submissions is February 28 2023. Click Here to access Proceeding Guidelines and click Here to access the Publication Agreement.

Online Access For IABS Members

All current IABS members whose membership is active for 2023 will have online access to the 2020 Proceedings, along with other recent Proceedings volumes, as a benefit of IABS membership.

To access the Proceedings online, use your assigned username and password to Here

Authors’ future publishing rights

Authors retain the copyright and full rights to publish a modified version of the work in a refereed journal or elsewhere. IABS obtains ISBNs for all Proceedings. If you plan to publish in the proceedings please complete the PUBLICATION AGREEMENT and include it with your submission.

Have a question regarding the Proceedings?

For any queries regarding the Proceedings, please contact the Proceedings Editor Dr. ESHANI BEDDEWELA